Sunday, November 15, 2009

HW 21- Art Project 1

I think my art is a mirror. I wrote the quote because we're living in a world where everything has been digitalized and its sometimes easy to forget ourselves and that we're not digital beings and the technology we have been using ends up using us. We stay up late because we have alot ot work on, like technologyThat along with the media and all the messages sent with it gives us all of these roles that we are expected to fulfill. Like from the television we get that we should be young and pretty and that we should be outgoing. I think with western culture's media in particular values the trait of outgoingness. So if you are not naturally outgoing you should make yourself outgoing. So I guess with all these things we're supposed to be, its easy to forget who we are when all the time we're following all these inlaid rules. Even though there are two people in the picture, the "us" in the quote is all of us. The message is to find a place for us on our own terms, not ones laid out for us by other people or things. So I think its a mirror because it reflects that, the way we're all trying to sort through this technology and our way of life and find a place that we belong.

I think the most interesting aspect of making this is what I was thinking of while making it. It was Gestalt's Prayer, and even though its a prayer its not religious but it has that aspect of being like one in that its projects something we want out into the world.

It goes like this;

"I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.

You are you and I am I.
And if by chance we find each other, then that is beautiful.
And if not, then it can't be helped."

I liked this because sometimes we're always trying to measure up to someone else. Someone who we think is great. But we are great in our own right and so the "You are you and I am I" makes sense to me because we aren't them, we are who we are and that is beautiful. So when I drew the drawing I thought doing your own thing and finding your own way of life, that too, is beautiful.

I think that probably counts as what doing this project made me feel and think. Other interesting tidbits, or maybe not so interesting tidbits, is all the changes this picture went through. I fixed this picture up, or at least tried to, alot of times. When it started out it was just going to be two people behind a text of letters, and then I changed it to two people in some place that was natural and simple and not so complicated, then I cut it out and drew in a background and a quote I wanted it to say. Then I scanned it and rescanned because I didn't like how it came out so I added some more things in. The scanner made the picture lose some of its color so its not exactly how it looks in real life but its similar. I tried photoshop because I thought the colors would be better that way but I didn't have the first clue about it and it took me a while for that to finally get that through my head, so I stuck to color pencils afterwards. Then I decided to color in the quote yellow so it'd stand out. It was a really long process for such a simple drawing. But I liked it so I didn't mind as much I guess. I think I just went on about the troubleshooting. That's behind the scenes for you. Well, I always think its kind of interesting to find out about that stuff. On dvds I always watch the behind the scenes and producer commentary if they have it. So I thought maybe this would be something interesting to include...I don't know if people will agree or not, but here it is anyways.


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