Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hw7- Interviews and Surveys

Family Member & Best Friend- Interview/Survey

Best Friend
What is are your thoughts on digitization? they make life more convenient because without digital technology you can't take photos

Why do you think you think that? because I'm so used to having technology around me

In class we were talking about how in Roman times, the poor was given free bread and a circus do you think that digital technology is our circus and it keeps us from rebelling against our society? NO, I think the technology doesn't keep us from rebelling, we're more in touch with the rest of the world and if anything we might be more prone to because we know more.

Can you give me an example?
The invention printing press, we can form our own opinions about how the world around us operates, whether it is doing well or not. Like the "The American Revolution" people were kept updated with the newspapers.

Me: Like, there are more women's rights movements called Women Thrive and they focus on changing U.S. policy, rather than directly giveing money to women in need and they are able to spread the message through sources such as the internet or news articles . Many charities or groups learn about causes through this information, which we would never have otherwise.

Do you think that the newspaper articles causes us to take in their opinions instead of forming our own? Sometimes. The way its presented makes you more liable to take on their opinions.

Have you ever pretended to be someone else online? No

What do you think do you think about child predators who use the Internet to prey on children? It makes it easier for them to pretend to be someone else. But it also makes it easier for us to keep track of them, since there's a website called watchdog.com that lists the names of child predators and the areas they are in.

What are your thoughts on digitization? What?

Like the internet or the TV. When I think of the internet I think its a useful tool because its a network of networks that contains different sources including different newspapers

*explains about free bread and circus* Do you think digital technology is our circus? umm.. no I would say no b/c its too expensive to link every american w/ free internet

--well not the free part, the part of entertainment? Yes I think people would rather dream of the possibility of being rich than face the reality of being poor.

Do you think you'd be able to survive without technology? yes but I would not enjoy it.

Why not? b/c i think it would be hard due to the strain of exercising

Do you think the internet pervents you from enjoying things like going outside, to the park, enjoying the sunset? I don't think enjoy is the word...more like forced

What do you do for fun? I read books

Have you ever pretended to be someone else online? yes

Why? because it was amusing

Why? b/c i got to see how a hormone driven 15 year old boy reacted to a girl

You do not count yourself as a hormone driven boy? No, I am pure *insists*
Are you going to write down I pretended to be a girl online? or any embarrassing thing like that?

Me: No, I'm just writing what you say

How do you think this has changed your life? I gained weight.

....I think it also depends on the people you ask. Their answers can range on the same question.

Street Interviews

Young Man
Do you believe there should be a time limit to internet or digital usage? No

Do you think the internet is bad? Good if used properly

How many hours do you use digital devices? 40 hours a week

What do you use those hours on/which digital devices? 10 video games, 30 internet

Shonna photographer- (I thought she had alot of interesting things to say)
Do you think people would be happier without it? They can live without it.

How many hours do you use digital devices? Several

How many hours do you use it a day? That's a good question. I've never timed it. 3-4 hours

What do you think about children's access to it? Do you think it should be limited? I think you have to take care. Some people don't give a crap which is very unfortunate because there's so much good stuff. 1/5 of the time should be games and the rest not. You guys are so lucky. I was 35 when I learned to use the computer and that was when it became that you had to.

How do you think the view differ from us who grew up with it to someone who saw it change? The world is at your fingertips and you don't even know that. We use to have push phones, where when you call someone you would have to push buttons.

Me: Yeah, we had those phones where you had to turn it to the number. *makes motion in air*
Shonna: You guys remember that?
Na: Yeah.
Me: I still had an antenna tv till awhile ago.
Shonna: Oh yeah, its quaint for you guys that stuff.
*thinks not really*

Shonna: I live with my grandparents and so they still have a 1950s phone number. The phone numbers were based on where you live. They lived on Murrey Hill so it was MU and Chelsey was CH, BU was butterfield.

Me: Wow, I didn't know they did that.

Shonna: Its a 59 year old phone # and when I tell people that they are always amazed. It makes me feel ancient.. but excited that I adapted you know? Older people today are much younger. It was very proper back then the way they dressed and everything. We're always influenced by the things around us.

*agrees, she seems very young even though she's older*

In what ways do you think it has changed? You're tapped into so much, the world, one another. We used to call and leave message on machines, its nonstop. The access everyone has to each other. You can be anywhere in the world and call someone. We wrote letters and not phone calls or e-mails. Vacations are no longer vacations, you read a book, and your e-mailing. We didn't do that back then because it was inconvient. It was just easier to write a letter than to call someone.

Do you think we can live without it? No. Everything was so slow, now everything is so fast. There's instant communication and unless they took it away from everyone, it would be like you're denying yourself change and you'd be stuck in your ways.

I'm going to -----, do you know where that is?

M: *thinks* No
S: It's across the bridge and its so nice, you can see the sky. It's a concrete jungle here, and its easy to get closed off in NY, in your own orbit, but its so important to see the sky. It reminds you that you're not the only one and when I'm there I'm small compared to the rest of the world. Get a perspective you know? Sometimes new yorkers are so focused, not in the good way, like horses wearing those *cups the sides of her eyes*
M: Blinders?
S: Yes! wait that doesn't sound quite right
M: Yeah, but I get what you mean.
S: I try to keep myself open. People can be rude sometimes but I don't be rude back, I try not to be like that because I believe we recieve what we put out there. Instead kill them with kindness. I'm pretty friendly, right? I was talking to this lady on a line, it was a very long line like a hundred people and I didn't want to wait forever so, I walked up to where the first ten people and started a conversation with this women and we exchanged numbers afterwards.
M: Thanks for letting us interview you, you gave very indepth answers and that was nice.
S: Oh, I'm just very relaxed right now.

I thought she brought up alot of interesting points and gave some good advice too like the being rude thing, since I agree, if you're rude to someone they'll probably be rude back or vise versa. I liked the phrases she used, it was very quotable.

I think the questions depend on who you ask.. as some people respond more than others depending on their mood.

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