Monday, September 14, 2009

HW3- Thoughts on Digitalization

For me personally, I don't think its strange, the digitization age we live in now. Because we grew up as it was developing and as it was changing the way things have been done before. Sometimes I think because of this, we're very use to having communication instantaneously since it was what we have always known. Snail mail is replaced by e-mail, researching is made simpler when with the press of a button you can pull up any subject via Google, we can text instead of passing notes, call anyone anywhere, be cool in the summer heat, etc. I guess what's strange is how dependent we seem to have become on these little technological advances. Many people can't see their lives without a phone or a computer because it has become that ingrained in what is everyday life. There are the good and the bad of course, as there is with all things.

One way it has changed things is in the way of social etiquette. Social etiquette has become since a lot more informal than it has ever before. I think in part because we can communicate the way we do, through texts and ims. Although many of the things that have been considered "normal" or "appropriate" by the older generation, is not the same for us because of this. I think some of this can be seen in the way people e-mail or smiley faces or even aim lingo. Some young people do this even for a job resume or when communicating to their boss and for people who are not use to this, it can be surprising because it would usually be considered very inappropriate in a business setting. The way we use to speak has changed. The norm has changed. Part of why this is the global world, television is able to show many different areas, people, cultures. With being connected to so many people there's really no longer one trend or one set standard anymore.

In terms of TV and television, fame is more accessible to people. Its pretty interesting how much "Reality TV" there is. The amount of people willing to open their lives to the public and the amount of who are people willing to tune in is a testament to how into this world that people are. Celebracy has reached new heights. There is Internet celebrities, YouTube stars, Blogger and more. Many people have been able to become more famous through YouTube and land a record label that way. There's so much going on the internet, many niches and communities have sprouted up because of that.

For me, I can see two paradoxes to the way we can communicate now. In some ways it can bring us closer and “connect” us into this community, ie sites such as FaceBook or Twitter. In other ways it can alienate us from other people. Like when people talk on the phone while they’re with other people, its like they’re there but not really. Some people find it even easier to talk to people online than face to face in the real world. They find it easier to communicate online. In some ways it is so personal because its impersonal because there is that computer between them because it makes it less real it somehow easier to say things you normally wouldn't say in person. That's all well good but communication tools such as facebook and aim should by no means be replacement for real life human contact but a supplement to maintain your relationships.

There's also the environmental aspect to consider. What is it taking to fuel this digital world? Alot. Many resources are used up in order to generate electricity and fill those cars we drive. Pollution is a problem in many areas where there are nuclear power plants or landfills. All changes in consideration what does this mean for the future, for our future way of life and the future generations'?


  1. The way you start of talking about how it is not strange was to me, agreeable because we are living through and was born through as the digitalization develops. Also I absolutely agree with what you wrote in your blog such as the "reality TV" that I haven't thought about it yet.

    I can see how you wrote a lot about how our language changes as we use the social networking sites and the aim and texting because our social etiquette have changed. Maybe because we are born in the digitalization era that we and the people that are older, with the formal front they give to us makes us hard to "associate" with them with the formal English language and not the web language. Additionally, you wrote about how the old ways are replaced by the electronics like the "snail mail is replaced by e-mail," and etc. However, you also added at the end how because of the fuel used to make the digitalization that we are taking a lot from the environment, making it worse.

    I agree how communicating online can make it seem less real than talking to the real person in front of you because you would never know what you expect from them, through their reactions and their expressions on their face when you tell them these things. Because it is "personal" what we are trying to tell the other person that makes it hard to tell it through online. However, sometimes, we speak through each other through online just to greet each other or find out each other when we don't actually see each other but needs help from each other (got sort of confuse with what I am saying much "each other").

    i can you can develop the "Reality TV" because in a way, the people who direct the Reality TV are putting our life experiences in there, making the digitalization world combine with the reality. Yes, making just a video that is funny to the people can make you popular just using Youtube and the online and how showing their private lives out makes me think the maker of that video are the standing out person. And etc. etc... then they "sprouted", becoming famous and popular. xD

    I feel that I am an observer, but also as well as the spoken person but unlike the ones in the videos or the celebrities, it is hard to produce those talented acting or like the reality tv that they are able to show their private lives, in my thinking, easier than I would show mine. In a way, I can see that they want attention but in a way, everybody wants attention and that there are going to be people who are brave enough to come out to entertain us lot. But, we just receive like that, taking it in and laughing if it is funny or eyes widen if it is interesting. On the other hand, when you talk about the environment, it is deeply concerned that we are using too much of what we shouldn't use before we ran out completely but I don't think we can stop it because it is the human development (or something) that makes us need these resources/materials in Earth. I think a lot of times, we take it for granted, and what I said before, people entertaining other people but as we comment on their videos or blogs, etc do we actually appreciate it or are we just saying thanks so easily?

    It was great reading your blog, and wrote something that I haven't thought of, the Reality TV and a lot of the replacement that electronic has took over. Excited to read your next post!

  2. Haiiiiiiiiiis Yu Xi!

    I really like your post, can’t think of anything you can improve on though. I enjoyed reading about how all of the technology helps us and how the world has change from then. People feel a need for technology not realizing that they don’t need it at all. Digitalization is like a cheat sheet, it makes everything easier for you, so that you don’t have to worry about wasting your time.

    I think the main point of your post is that things have change a lot throughout history due to the improvement with technology, the world is power advancing. All of this technology keeps us up to date with world event like what is the weather today and shows to occupy our time when we’re bored. Chatting through Facebook or aim makes things seem less realistic since we can’t see their real expression. Even though all this technology may seem good it also causes pollution harming our environment.

    The more technology there is in this world the more we humans are harming it. For us to build technology I’m guessing that factories have to build for this kind of stuff and factories can cause air pollution. The technology we use like A.C. generates heat that can cause the melting of ice in the North Pole; if the ice were to melt it would flood cities and the heat could dehydrate people living in hot places.

    I would like to see you write more about the cons about digitalization. I like the fact that you’re using evidence as well. There are some small grammars mistakes; I probably have plenty of them in this post. We all make mistakes (+w+). I don’t really know anything else you need to work on, sorry. =.=

    (>'.')>Thank you for reading! <('.'<)
    Na L

  3. Jia Min:

    Thanks for commenting, even though it was for hw I enjoyed reading it. I appreciated the thoughtful tone of your post, it makes it seem like you really thought about it and came up with your own original ideas relating to it.

    What was helpful was hearing your own thoughts about it because it makes me think more about the things I said as well as the new points you brought up. Such as when you talked about reality tv and youtube that it makes the person stand out and popular and as observers you talked about how "a lot of times, we take it for granted, and what I said before, people entertaining other people but as we comment on their videos or blogs, etc do we actually appreciate it or are we just saying thanks so easily?" It made me think that about why they are so popular because we want to turn our attentions to something and be entertained and they fulfill that purpose. But at the same we don't always appreciated it, we just take it in and watch and if we enjoyed it we'll like it. Maybe that's our way of appreciating something that we think is done well-- by enjoying it. I think that's why they create it in the first place anyway, so people will enjoy it.

    It also made me realize I could have expanded more on that topic because I only talked about how it made people famous and how people seem to have a great need for it that they're willing to put their lives on view to the public eye. So I could have talked about the audience more, why we're so willing to receive that and watch. When you talked about how sometimes it'd be easier if your life was on tv, I realized that I thought that way once or twice in the past. I use to think if this was out on display it'd be easier because then I wouldn't have to explain anything or maybe something funny would happen and I think I wish we captured this on film so we can share this with people.

    We both seem to be interested in how the digitalization affects us and our lives- what do you think will happen to us in the future? Thanks for reading :)

    Thanks Na o^u^o

    I'm really glad you liked it. Plus you go indepth about what our technology is doing to the planet. Kudos, because its affecting us right now and its sometimes easy to forget that when people are online or using the electronic devices.

    Digitalization is like a cheat sheet and its the quick way to get an answer, that's pretty true with google and everything, though we may end up wasting our time anyways with it. I think even though things like google do make it easier to do things like research, that doesn't make that method any less valid, its a natural developement considering humans like to do more things in a way that expends less energy on their part.

    I will add more cons to it next time. I liked reading the tone of your comment hehh.. it was fun and like how we usually chat on aim so its easy to read. Plus its very encouraging XD

    I didn't really notice any grammar mistakes in your post anyways ^^

    Bye Na, thanks for reading! =D
