Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hw4 & 5- Comments & Response

Jia Min:

Hey Jia Min!

I agreed with what you said about the many many versions of one technology can get a tad bit obsessive at times especially when the only change they made to it was change the color and add a button or something. Its nessary because they want to make it more advanced, although, for me I think as long as it has the basics its fine. I liked all the little comics you added to the blog after each paragraph, its like a short break or breather.

I can imagine someone who locks themselves in their room and plays the computer or video game and that's all they do. Imagining that can see how this could negatively impact our health, mentally and physically. You know how you said that your eyes kind of hurt in the beginning of the blog? I'm kind of feeling it right now, the glare of the computer screen is hurting my eyes! Lately my eyesights been getting worse and that's a pretty bad sign. Probably a testament to how much I use the computer. I'm wondering if I say I use it to read does that make it seem less bad. I actually do use it for that DX. But if it hurts your eyes....then we will have bad eyesight together!~ haha. Actually...that's not a good thing.

I think you can develop more about the parents comments about technology it was a bit random because it wasn't talked about too much. I think its true people say things like that, not neccesarily limited to our parents...though its probably more likely coming from them. Maybe add a conclusion that connects everything together. But other than that I thought it was pretty good.

When you talked about moving to a rural area, I wondered that too, what it'd be like to just up and move to the country or something like that. How it'd be like to fare without all the electronics for awhile. I think the change in scenery would be nice. It also makes me think how much we use the electronics is influenced by how necessary they are in our environment. Its like we have tv and a computer because alot of the things we do require it of us; like hw, printing, researching. Its also one of the primary things that are used to keep us entertained in this culture. Maybe if we lived somewhere where work was the only thing we had time for, where its not needed as much, we wouldn't be using it so much.

I liked reading your thoughts, it made me think more about some things like the idea of disconnecting for a while from the technology, and how there are new social mannerisms to account for technology, like having headphones in your ear and how some people think its rude. I'm excited to read a new post from you!


Hi Amber,

Hearing your thoughts on this topic was pretty interesting. You used alot of different examples to support your arguments which made it stronger. Like the way some people use technology to be updated on other people. I also liked that you spaced your paragraphs out or made it distinct so its more neat.

Alot of what you said was about how it was taking up our time and if we could manage that time we'd be able to "control ourselves" and stopping from using technology so much. It made me think about how much I use the electronics and how much time other people do as well. I think we can get on without it, but in this time and age, its neccesary for how we live. So it'd be impossible to unplug totally unless we lived as hermits or something. I think we can go without a day or a month as long as we don't have to do anything on the computer because right now for school, we need to, almost daily.

I guess I would say, some of the points could be shortened to be more succint like the point about us being able to live without electronics if we tried, that could be one paragraph instead of being part of two. There are some points where it doesn't seem exactly related, "People seem to care more about what is going on with other people and tend to know more about their friends instead of their families. The reason for all this is that when not engaging in using the digital and electronic devices, people tend to be doing the things that they need to live like eating and sleeping, then they resume their use of electronics." What does the use of electronics have to do with why people know more about their friends than family? Address what specifically they do, whether its reading their friend's update on aim or facebook or just talking to them more. I think if you proofread or got someone to proofread for you it'd help. It's pretty good, you still have some ways to go as a writer, but you'll get better as you write more. The topics are good, just need to be developed. Its decent so far. I feel somewhat like Simon on American Idol after writing this...But really, I'm not trying to be mean so don't get the wrong idea? (My friend usually asks me to proofread her essays and somehow I got stuck in that mode reading yours. Soo this might be why I'm so focused on this right now, that and I am supremely sleep deprived/tired at the moment. *Is proofreading sleep deprived paragraphs so grammatical errors are limited and is readable* Point is, I'm very neurotic when sleep deprived.)

When I first read "Looking at the environment we live in now, nobody would be able to survive a day without any digital/electronic media usage, unless if someone is willing to take the risk, the question is who will be the first to do so?" I thought I think that many people have gone a day without digital/electronic usage because I was thinking of someone I knew who went on vacation and left all electronics at home and just brought books but then I think most people probably don't do that. See, I can't help but take questions at face value. I think there are approximately 7 billion people on this earth. At least a few million have done so. But if I think more generally, in our society that's pretty rare since someone always has some electronic device with them, whether it is a cellphone or mp3 or radio and while it may not be the "first to do so" it's still pretty rare.

Anyways great first post Amber! I look forward to seeing more ideas :)

Jia Min:

Thanks for commenting, even though it was for hw I enjoyed reading it. I appreciated the thoughtful tone of your post, it makes it seem like you really thought about it and came up with your own original ideas relating to it.

What was helpful was hearing your own thoughts about it because it makes me think more about the things I said as well as the new points you brought up. Such as when you talked about reality tv and youtube that it makes the person stand out and popular and as observers you talked about how "a lot of times, we take it for granted, and what I said before, people entertaining other people but as we comment on their videos or blogs, etc do we actually appreciate it or are we just saying thanks so easily?" It made me think that about why they are so popular because we want to turn our attentions to something and be entertained and they fulfill that purpose. But at the same we don't always appreciated it, we just take it in and watch and if we enjoyed it we'll like it. Maybe that's our way of appreciating something that we think is done well-- by enjoying it. I think that's why they create it in the first place anyway, so people will enjoy it.

It also made me realize I could have expanded more on that topic because I only talked about how it made people famous and how people seem to have a great need for it that they're willing to put their lives on view to the public eye. So I could have talked about the audience more, why we're so willing to receive that and watch. When you talked about how sometimes it'd be easier if your life was on tv, I realized that I thought that way once or twice in the past. I use to think if this was out on display it'd be easier because then I wouldn't have to explain anything or maybe something funny would happen and I think I wish we captured this on film so we can share this with people.

We both seem to be interested in how the digitalization affects us and our lives- what do you think will happen to us in the future? Thanks for reading :)

Thanks Na o^u^o

I'm really glad you liked it. Plus you go in depth about what our technology is doing to the planet. Kudos, because its affecting us right now and its sometimes easy to forget that when people are online or using the electronic devices.

Digitalization is like a cheat sheet and its the quick way to get an answer, that's pretty true with google and everything, though we may end up wasting our time anyways with it. I think even though things like google do make it easier to do things like research, that doesn't make that method any less valid, its a natural developement considering humans like to do more things in a way that expends less energy on their part.

I will add more cons to it next time. I liked reading the tone of your comment hehh.. it was fun and like how we usually chat on aim so its easy to read. Plus its very encouraging XD

I didn't really notice any grammar mistakes in your post anyways ^^

Bye Na, thanks for reading! =D

1 comment:

  1. Hey Yu Xi!~

    Thanks for reading my blog, and your funny tone when you were having the same pain in the eyes while looking in the "glare" of the computer screen. Also having the same thought as I have.

    Your point on developing on the parent comments was useful because we haven't really talked about it but then I have been thinking about it for a long time. Our parents would always nag us when we get too close to the screen or listening to the music very loudly.

    I have been thinking about the comparison between the rural areas with the technology areas and all the versions of a same model electronic. However because we are living in a technology area and going to school, all the homeworks and printing we needed are from the computer. You made me thought about how all the electronics we needed, besides helping us in doing homeworks and stuff, are just here to entertain us. That we need something to entertain us to pass the time.

    It feels as if your blog post was about how we are born with the technology and how we use those technologies to fulfill the desire in us of wanting some kind of entertainment. And the electronics is the one. Where as I am talking about if having the technology gone, what would we do? and as well as how we are isolating ourselves with these electronics and living within the digital realm rather than socializing with others. However, both of us have something about the social etiquette and mannerism where it is rude to have the electronics out with others around and how our language is declining because of the way we text our messages.

    I think both our post and comments are talking about how electronics are affecting our lives in a bad and good way and we both see how this is affecting the environment and our bodies. Because we are using all the resources and materials to create all these versions of electronics that we need to upgrade or that to upgrade ourselves to show to the world we have these new versions. Additionally our tad obsessiveness of needing these electronics and the way we use it to our advantage to make something out to show themselves to the world.
