Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 54

Extroverted (E) 54.29% Introverted (I) 45.71%
Sensing (S) 52.38% Intuitive (N) 47.62%
Feeling (F) 57.5% Thinking (T) 42.5%
Perceiving (P) 54.76% Judging (J) 45.24%

I seem right about 50-50 for most of it, give or take 3-7%. That makes sense since I've always been paradoxal in nature. I think if I took this test a year ago, I'd probably get a more introverted result, since I've lived more in my head then. But that's just me changing again. I tend to stay around the middle though, almost right in the middle for any personality tests I have taken. I'm leaning more towards extroversion in general. I find though that the more I talk, the less I think, because when I talk I just say whatever comes to mind, without review or filter. Which I find detrimental, when it comes to school assignments like this which require more analytical thinking and its like using a muscle you haven't warmed up or put to much use, the muscle has atrophied.

For the Big Five, I got this as a result.

Emotional Stability||||||||||||||58%

Extroversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, structured, and self controlled while still remaining flexible, varied, and fun.

Emotional Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Accommodation results were medium which suggests you are moderately kind natured, trusting, and helpful while still maintaining your own interests.

Inquisitiveness results were medium which suggests you are moderately intellectual, curious, and imaginative.

It said my type is calm.

(6.6% of women; 16.3% of men)

not easily hurt, rarely if ever loses temper, keeps emotions under control, positive, not prone to envy, rarely sick, self reliant, trusting, stable, sturdy, optimistic, fits in most places, not defensive, likes change, if they were to live life over again they would not change much, content (possibly over content), believes in choice more than fate, good at building things, good at taking advice, does not make enemies, good at fixing things, admits it when they make a mistake, gets along with others, has more desire than fear, motivated, self confident, believes the benefits of freedom outweigh then benefits of attachment

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