Friday, October 2, 2009

Hw 9- Video Project GHIJK

Hi Kate,

Thanks for the comments. It was very helpful. You were definitely right about the part where you said I should show the actual technology I was interacting with. I thought the same thing when I finished uploading. I was focused on the reaction, bIt would show more that way in terms of showing someone interacting with it instead of just the reaction when interacting with it.

I'm glad you could relate to the uploading process, it took me hours too. It was like yay, someone gets it after reading your comment about it because it seemed like everyone else got it and knew what to do. So I really enjoyed your reaction to it, when you said "but here we are two kids unable to do a simple upload" because I do feel like its kind of expected of us to know how to work things like that.

We both seem to realize that its not entirely possible to cut out digital devices in our lives (not forever at least) and nor would we want to considering that it has its uses in todays world, but are there ever instances where its shouldn't be used? Or is that relative again? So is the question end up being how we use it?

Hi Charles,

Thanks for your comments, it had a very warm and enthusiastic tone, kudos. Yes, the computer screen was just THAT interesting lol. Actually in this video at least, I was busy staring at the time for part of the video because I didn't want to go over the time, but it happened anyways. So in a sense I was concentrated on the computer but not completely. There are plenty of other times where it happens though, like when I are playing a game, chatting, watching a video or reading something that interests me online.

I wonder how this affects the way we think, having all this digital technology. I mean alot of people can become very engrossed by it and how does this affect us in the "real" world. Some people say that it makes us more impatient since things aren't as fast as it does digitally. Where you click and get whatever it is that you want. Does that mean that using digital things alters the way things are wired in our brain? It might considering that when we do things over and over it reinforces the neural pathways created from doing a repeated action. So I was wondering how that is accounted for with our (over?)usage of digital devices.

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