Monday, February 8, 2010

Hw 39- First School Assignments

Part A:

-People go to school just to have something to do even though they don't like it
-We become socialized through school
-People base their success in school with their success in life.

-When did school become the main route to success in our society?
-What types of schooling is better, homeschool, public, private, charter, boarder, or unschooling? Where would we be without school?
-What ways does school make us smarter and what ways doesn't it?
-At moments I enjoy it, though now, I'm kind of looking forward to the next step already and feel like its been prolonged.
-There are the teachers, and then the students who all the other students go to for help to for class
-I get to know different people from school and mannerisms from school and learn social cues

Part B:
Please explore one aspect or moment of school in a 2-4 paragraphs. Show us what's strange or great or awful about it. Talk about how you feel about it - how do you think it came to be - what consequences it produces.

One theory I heard in class that was interesting was Rachel's theory that school is the government's way of civilizing us so that we will fit into society. Perhaps that wasn't the original intention but that is certainly a byproduct of school, becoming "civilized" and taught the right and wrong way to behave according to the rules of our society. Children are taught to behave and be compliant with authority figures. We learn the conducts of behavior. This relates to what Beatrice said about school being "a big kid day care center" which is what it feels like sometimes because we are always here during the day, out of our parents way so we're not left at home alone and we're given something to do and looked after by the teachers. Jakob said about school serving two purposes- to occupy and condition, which relates to what they both said. We're conditioned to fit into our society, we're socialized to get along with people, and school occupies our time while doing all of the above and more.

The way society is set up, school is the main option available to us because we can't get fully paying jobs without a high school diploma and studies show that the degree that you get is directly correlated to your salary; so its set up that the main way to succeed in our society is by going to school.

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