Sunday, February 7, 2010

HW 38- Art Project Cool

I made a MV to represent cool with a bit of what it means to be uncool as well. In the first half of the video I shot people in the park to show real life cool and the second half is a clip from a trailer of an action movie to show how media represents cool to contrast it with how people actually are in real life.People usually get ideas about what's cool and not cool from media and that doesn't always fit them. I guess what I hope that people will realize from seeing this clip that there are many different ways to being cool and not to let a label define them and find something that they think is cool thats real for them, their own personal cool.

I thought the filming was fun. I got one of my friends, Regina, to help film and I kind of surprised them with it but they were into it and thought that it was a fun project. We basically trolloped throughout my neighborhood looking for people who were doing something that people might find cool or that was cool to them. When my friend and I were at the park she suggested we go to the soccer field since people were playing and I asked the players if I could shoot them. They were okay with it and I thought it was pretty cool. I think they played it up for the camera which I'm grateful for since I got to shoot someone scoring. The guy who was filmed doing martial arts was learning from another guy, I also got permission to film them beforehand. The trailer half of the video was not originally going to be in it but I thought it might fit well with the video and the song.

I was listening to music while I was adding the clips and this song seemed to go with it. It was a little difficult editing everything because finding a free editor took awhile and I'm not much of a techie in the first place, but my brother who had to do a video project as well found one online and downloaded it and I basically used that one after he was done. Lagging was a huge problem with my computer and the video editor I got, which was actually not that bad in itself, but every minute or so, a particularly bad lag would shut the editor down and I'd have to make sure to save or lose a chunk of work. It might be surprising but that 3-4 minute clip took around 3-4 hours to make and I think its mostly because of the lag and choosing what clips to use took some time too. I had shot a lot of other clips with my friend, some which didn't get included in the video. I think overall it turned out alright for the first try at it.

At first I thought it might not be cool because I wasn't sure what to do for it but I've always wanted to try making a music video so I thought I would do that for this project. What's surprising is that I actually liked it. It was a lot of fun editing and shooting everything in spite of the technical difficulties. I liked making the video and the whole process that it took to do it. Getting the timing of the clips with the music right felt pretty good. I spent the past few days doing something that I might not have done otherwise and it was something I had a great time doing too. I think its cool to try something new because drawing would've been a fallback for me since that's what I did last time and I didn't want to do that again for that reason. I feel pretty happy finishing this video.

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